Family and Bereavement service update

Bereavement at any time is hard. Bereavement during a period of isolation with restricted movement and limited contact with family and friends is the hardest thing possible.
Please be assured therefore, that our Family Support and Bereavement service is working hard to adapt our services in every way we can to provide the support that so many people will need. We hope that the few thoughts and ideas below will help you to feel less alone and know that people care.

Reach out
Although you may not be able to see people in person, please reach out to as many people as possible at this time using the phone, text, or internet if it is available to you. Grief is hard at the best of times but grieving in isolation will feel much worse.
Online Support – Did you know that we have an online bereavement support page. You can join the group by searching ‘St Mary’s Hospice bereavement support’ on Facebook or follow the link
Telephone Support – You can also telephone the team on 01229 580305 (Option 6) Messages will be picked up on a daily basis (Monday – Friday) and responded to as quickly as possible.

Look after yourself
Eat well and try to get some fresh air or sunlight each day – also some rest and exercise. If you can’t go out, open a window or do some exercise in your home.

Try to keep to a regular routine
This could be hard but it can make a huge difference keeping to a regular routine of getting up and dressed and eating meals at the usual time

Ask for practical help
Bereavement can be overwhelming at the best of times. Let people know – friends, family or neighbours – what they can do to help. It may be that someone can bring you shopping or a nutritious meal or something else you need or would like.

Protect yourself from further distress
You might find it easier to avoid or limit watching or reading the news at the moment, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed – and to choose to watch on the television something that you are familiar with that you usually enjoy.

Cruse Bereavement Care have also produced some useful information on grief and isolation-