b'Focus on FundraisingLottery relaunchWeve revamped our Local Lotteryand our new prize structurethe age limit at which you can take part from 16 to 18. Our means you now have double the chance of winning a prize!lottery is managed by local company Sterling Lotteries, who are based in Barrow but who are one of the leading providers of Each week one lucky ticket holder takes home 1k, with acharity lotteries in the UK, providing services to some of the rollover prize also available. The rollover prize can (and has)countrys biggest and best known charities.reached a whopping 10,000what would you do with that amount of money?The best thing about our lottery is that the money stays in thelocal community. Every penny of prot from our lottery goes back Our weekly prizes: into our serviceslast year the prots from our lottery, 245,0001st prize: 1,000made up a staggering 5% of our hospice running costs. That is the2nd prize: Second prize: Rollover increases by 200 perequivalent of 157 days of care from our Hospice at Home team orweek up to a maximum of 10,00037 patients care on our In Patient Unit or even 790 Hospice at3rd prize: 100Home team night sits. The majority of prizes are won locally too4th prize: 3 x 50(although we do have some players outside of the areas, these5th prize: 5 x 20are usually locals whove moved away and still support us). 6th prize: 20 x 5 prize entries If youre interested in joining our Lottery, wed love to have Our lottery is a much more responsible way to gamble thanyou. See our lottery website unregulated online competitions. Players are unable to spendhttps://stmaryshospice.charitypayments.co.uk/play for details more than 20 on tickets each week, and weve recently uppedon how to join, or scan the QR code to play!181ST PRIZELOTS OF1000 ADDITIONALCASH PRIZESBECAUSE 22YOU CARE,4 WE CAN LIVE LOCAL 46LIVE LOCALLIVE LOCALPLAY LOCAL YOURPLAY LOCAL SUPPORTPLAY LOCAL2ND PRIZE MAKES ANAMAZINGROLLOVER JOIN OUR LOTTERY DIFFERENCEFROM 200 UPTO 10,000 FOR JUST 1 PER WEEK IN OURCOMMUNITYCall Us 01229 580305 Play Online https://stmaryshospice.charitypayments.co.uk/playSt. Marys Hospice, Ford Park Crescent, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7JPRegistered Charity No. 517738 PS\x01TDBO\x01UIF\x0123\x01DPEF\x01UP\x01QMBZThank you on behalf of all the patients and their loved ones who receive support, care and hope from St Marys Hospice'