b'Contents 3Letter from Val Stangoe 4Inpatient Unit A day in the life of Kate 7Hospice at HomeAnges story 9 Memory Lane Cafs 11Compassionate Communities13Family and BereavementSupport Service 14 Year in review 15 Focus on Fundraising: How are we funded? St Marys Hospice Chief Exec Val Stangoe (second left)17Heres how you can help18 Thank you doesnt seem enoughHello, and welcome to our annualmost excited, is our work on what were 23 Fundraising calendarupdate magazine, The Voice of Stcalling Compassionate Communities.25 Corporate SupportMarys Hospice. 26 Lottery relaunch Compassionate Communities was born 27 Legacy givingIf youre receiving this its likely becauseof our desire to help more people. Last we have you on our system as a recentyear we explored how local third sector 28Retail and Hospitalitydonor, so I wanted to start by sayinggroups felt we could make our services 32 Volunteering thank you for your support. Withoutmore equitable. In response to their people like you we simply wouldnt exist. comments we have merged the Admiral St Marys Hospice(dementia) nurse, Living Well and Family Ford Park Crescent,Just over a fth of our costs are fundedSupport and Bereavement Services Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7JPby the government22%which meansunder the title Compassionate Tel: 01229 580305we rely completely on our supporters.Communities. This merger reects a new Email: info@stmaryshospice.org.ukBe they individuals, businesses orway of working which will roll out over Website: www.stmaryshospice.org.ukcustomers of our shops, cafe and lottery.the next 12 months to help us reach Were really lucky to have you, and wemore people. Were looking to get those www.facebook.com/stmaryshospiceulverstonnever take your support for granted.services out to more people in@stmaryshospicecommunities which are under served by In this years magazine well share withus right now, and who our friends in the stmaryshospiceyou some stories from the year justthird sector have told us we could do St Marys Hospicepassed, as well as provide you withmore to support.Charity No: 517738updates on some of the things we A company limited by guarantee, registered inhave coming up in the near future. AsOur services are all available free of England and Wales. Company number: 2016831.always this is a mix of case studiescharge to everyone in our communityPublishers:showing the care weve been able towho needs them. Death doesnt Majestic Publications Ltdgive, and amazing stories ofdiscriminate in any way and neither do 5 Minerva Courtfundraising activities that have beenwe. It is our aim that hospice care is Chester West Employment Parkcarried out to help ensure we can payavailable to everyone no matter their Chester, CH1 4QTfor it. Weve also got some news oncolour, religion, the kind of relationship activities we have planned, both inthey are in, their age, or anything else Tel: 01244 852360terms of new or developing servicesabout them. www.majesticpublications.co.uk for patients and families, to help ensure we can always be here forWe look forward to being able to report families across Furness and Southback here next year on our progress.Lakes. Val Stangoe One of the things about which we areChief Executive 3'