b'Our CareHospice at HomeAnges story Many people would prefer to stay andhome. People get the choice of whereSometimes its not always achievable be cared for in their own home duringthey want to be. A lot of people choosefor a patient to die at home, but there is their illness. St Marys Hospice atto be in their own homes, with their ownnothing wrong with that. People mustnt Hospice team works closely withsurroundings and family by their side.ever think that they have failed their community nursing teams, specialistloved one, because they will have nurses and GPs to provide clinicalYou are so welcomed into homes and weexcellent care wherever they are. Its just advice and support to patients and theirwant patients and their loved ones to bewhats best at that time. You have to families to make this possible.as relaxed as possible, we are oftenthink of what you did do, rather than greeted in pyjamas and love that peoplewhat you didnt. Birth and death you Ange has been part of the clinical teamfeel at ease with us. We always start byhave to get it right.at St Marys for over 27 years and at theasking how we can help? We work with a heart of the Hospice at Home team sincewider team which includes district nursesWe get overwhelmed at how people pull its launch. Ange absolutely loves herand clinical nurse specialists, together withtogether across our community to support role; every day is her favourite! families we achieve hospice care at home.their loved ones. No matter where they are, you dont need a big house, or Its just so lovely, you get to know alleverything to look after your loved one, about the families and immediately get ayou just need a bit of help and support sense of who and what is important tofrom the services. Its how they care for them: dogs, cats, everything! Familiestheir loved one, they all manage to are more relaxed at home, they can stayachieve it and it makes us feel really in their pyjamas, they get used to us andhumble. Some people ask how can you do thats exactly how we want it to be, asthis job? Its the best job, we are so happy easy as possible.every day. Its the people that we meet Ange was inspired to join the hospicethat make it and make such a dierence. care by experiencing St Marys care withAnge highlights how important St Marys her family: My dad was actually aNight Sitting service is: We have a Night patient in the hospice. And we were soSitting Service which is so benecial, the overwhelmed by the care that he wasnight sta can stay overnight and enable given. They took everything that wethat family member to have a good were worried about away from us, andnights sleep. Then in the morning when allowed us to be a family. The hospice iswe go they feel relieved to have had a really close to mine and my familysgood nights sleep and hopefully feel they heart. It enabled me to be a daughtercan cope a bit better, and its importantAnge adds: Thank you to everyone that with him in his nal days and I willthey know theyre not on their own.supports us, you are all amazing and never forget that.without you fundraising we wouldnt beWeve had wedding blessings, and onceable to provide this service. Ange previously worked on the In organised a wedding vow renewal at Patient Unit but wanted to help bringhome, it was a beautiful and special day,Thank you to the Sir John Fisher care and choice to patients so whereverfull of happiness. It made such aFoundation for funding to support possible they can have comfort withindierence to the whole family and thingsHospice at Home. the familiarity of their home withlike that stay with you forever. Its about whoever is family to them: includingunderstanding what is important to202223 our Hospice at Home team their beloved pets. I go out into ourpatients and wherever possible we tryprovided 1,584 day visits and 285 community and look after patients atand achieve what the families need.night sits. 7'