Thank you for an incredible 2018!

Thanks to incredible people like you we have been able to expand our services this year and offer more people, more ways to be supported.

Due to the generosity of the Sir John Fisher Foundation we were able to adapt our premises on Duke Street to not only house our Furniture Warehouse but to also facilitate the social and wellbeing hub that is the ‘Living Well Centre’. Our vision is that this building will be a haven for people in Barrow living with, and struggling with, long term illnesses. We have already been overwhelmed by the response to the centre with organisations coming on board.

Thank you to the Masonic Foundation for bringing our Make, Do and Mend service to fruition. Their grant has helped transform part of our warehouse into a workshop for bereaved men and women, those caring for their partner or loved one or those living with their own life-shortening illness to come together to share experiences, ideas and enthusiasm, and ultimately, to help each other through loss.

We wouldn’t be where we are without our generous supporters who help raise money to fund the £3.2 million a year we need to run. From climbing Skiddaw to conquering the K2B/C2B and our Walk to Remember, our supporters always go the extra mile for us. A huge thank you also to the wonderful support groups who donate their time year on year to fundraise for us and all of the local businesses who so generously give. And thank you to our invaluable volunteers who donate their time to helping us be there for our community when it matters most.

Val Stangoe, Chief Exec of St Mary’s “As our community ages, and the need for our service grows, we create new ways to support individuals and families. And at the same time our community helps us by raising funds, cheering us on and sharing their love for us. They keep us able to do what we do, day after day.”

From the staff at St Mary’s thank you for your continued support, generosity and so much more. And we welcome you in joining us for our 30th anniversary next year. That’s right, it’s been 30 years since we set out on our mission to provide support, care and hope for local people and those who love them.

Please stay with us and celebrate.