Where does our money come from?

St Mary’s was created to serve the community, often in great times of need.  We offer a wide range of services, wider than most people know but we often get asked “Where does our money come from?”

As this pie chart demonstrates, our money comes in from a variety of sources but the largest slice of the pie is from income generation. Income generation is basically our wonderful community: and includes events, challenges, corporate support, lottery, schools, clubs and societies and even the odd coffee morning!  It’s vast and it’s fantastic but is not without its risk.

We are very lucky at St Mary’s, lucky that we have such amazing supporters, lucky that we have dedicated staff who want to make a difference every day to our families, our donors, our customers and our volunteers.  However we also know that we do a great job in telling our story and thanking our supporters and that results in some fantastic press coverage. The danger is that our community, the heart of our support, begin to think we are ‘safe’. St Mary’s has been here for thirty years, of course we want to be here for another thirty.  We cannot take that for granted, the sands are shifting and we don’t know what the future holds but we do know that there is going to be an increased demand on our services and we do know that we could not exist without the ongoing support for our community, from people like you. So thank you. Thank you for your support in whatever shape that takes.  We feel honoured to have you as part of our story. Thank you for making moments that matter.